
Monday, October 29, 2007

Fire Fighter Emma!

Nana sent Emma a new fire truck and a book to match. They are now Emma's favorite toy and it is her favorite book. I have read it to her 2-3 times a day! It's a fun story and the hero's name is FRANK! So that makes Emma say the book is "sillay"

The Letter A

Emma has mastered writing the letter A and is obsessing on it a you can see!

Sunday, October 28, 2007



Ladybug Emma!

Cutest costume EVAR!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Old Family Photo

This is a picture of my dad and his siblings...I have never seen this photo until's sort of amazing to see this kind of thing for me. There aren't a lot of pictures of my parents as kids. The boy in the back is my dad.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Moon

Yesterday at around sunset the moon came up over the mountains. It was sooo pretty and I wanted to share.

The Many Moods of Emma Belle

Silly (Or, "sillay" as Emma says)

How Donna Reed am I?

So, we 3 Sullivans have been just so tired of being sick...bored...just blah all over. So I decided to make a pie with the rest of the apples from when we went apple picking.

We took a LOT of apples home with us on the plane (wonder if that broke any laws? LOL) And I had about 6 left over and I thought, what could make us all feel better? AN APPLE PIE! No! A DUTCH apple pie!

So, I found a recipe online...and went into the kitchen and I actually baked! I am very spoiled, Frank does 99% of the cooking, but he doesn't bake. I do the baking, which is RARE.

Anyway, here are the results, I think it's very pretty if I do say so myself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Emma Reading Update!

Emma is now writing letters...they aren't super clear and every pic I take gets washed out...but I will get some for sure! She can write her name if she is shown each letter. She also can spell GoGo (my mom and dad's cat) and she had a very intelligent attempt at the name Taye. "T and A"!!! I love it!

She seems to do everything is spurts. I just show her something and then, in her own good time she shows me back! LOL. But she loves learning this stuff. She has since before she was 2.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Becky!

Today is Becky's birthday and she is stuck at work and her babies are sick and stuck with me. :o( So we decided to give it our best shot and sing happy birthday to Becky, even though we are all sick as dogs! LOL

And here are pics from Becky's birthday party on Sunday night. It was fun, our side and her side of the family are still getting to know each other, but we all seem to get along well enough. As you can see, When you turn 26 the candles on your cake turn on you, so, Becky, welcome to the world of having one candle on your cake LOL! Just kidding!

Sam will occasionally let me take a semi normal pic:Emma and Tyler on the hammock together.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Emma read her first real word today!!!

She got a package in the mail today with her name on it, and I showed her her name. She spelled it out "E.M.M.A." and then said "Emma!"

That's my girl!!! YAY!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Frank is Officially Converted.

My parents are taking Emma over night tonight and he asked when we were supposed to drop her off.

I said, "They say anytime after 10."

He said, "A.M.?"

I gave him the look he deserved and said "No, P.M." and snorted.

He then paused...and said THIS:

"The longer I program, the less I understand normal human interaction."


And with that said, I give you "The Humans Are Dead" by Flight Of The Conchords

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Birding In Massachusetts

On my first day I saw a Blue Jay, my very first Blue Jay, they are common there, I know, but they do not exist here in Utah. So I was very excited, I think I saw Blue Jays everyday I was in Massachusetts.

I then saw another common bird for the North East, the Black Capped Chickadee:

The third bird that I got pictures of I couldn't not identify, so I had to hop online at and ask the people on the forums what they thought. We saw it soaring above the apple orchard when we went apple picking. It turns out it is a Turkey Vulture:

I also saw a lot of other assorted birds there that I didn't get pics of. Mom and I saw a Tufted Titmouse her her bird feeder. We saw 2 different kinds of woodpeckers on the trees outside her house. They could have been a Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, or a Hairy Woodpecker. I am fairly sure I saw a Song Sparrow on the trail up Mount Manadnock. I saw a Ring-billed Gull and I saw 2 or 3 different kinds of sand pipers. I also saw a lot of Double-crested Cormorants on boats in Plymouth.

So, as far as birding goes it was a very cool trip.

(Edit, I had to remove the links to, I guess they don't like people doing that, even though all it does is lead people to THEIR website, ugh, morons.)

Princess Emma

Look Amy! It's true! IT'S TRUE! Princess Emma indeed.

My 4 Sisters

I grew up always wanting a sister, as I have two little brothers I adore (do NOW anyway!) Here, meet them, Sean-Paul and Neal. They are two really good guys, both married now! Sean-Paul is the charming sales-man and Neal is the All-American-Dude.

Anyway, that is not what this post is about. I always wanted a sister, but Neal was my parents last baby and he's very much not a little sister!

But now, it just hit me, I have 4 little sisters. FOUR! I never thought I'd end up with so many! And I love each of them very much and they are all 4 VERY DIFFERENT women.

1-Amy, Frank's sister

Love the mommy-do-rag btw. This is a girl who when I first met I was intimidated by. Not sure why...but I felt like she didn't like me. I actually felt like that for years! But then last week I got to KNOW her...and we have a lot in common (and a lot NOT in common!) and I really found in her someone I wish I got to spend more time with. I wish we lived near each other because I love talking with her. We stayed up late 3-4 nights just chatting about everything you can imagine. She is exactly what I always wanted in a sister, I only wish I had KNOWN that for the last 8 years!

2-Jackie, Frank's sister
Jackie is so much like, dramatic, passionate, pain-in-the-occasional-ass...And I knew that before I even met her because I used to talk to her 12 year old self on the phone a lot. She's someone I hope I can stay close to...even though life for each of us is very different right now, I do hope the two of us can maintain a good connection. She's just a very exciting person and I know we'll butt heads in life, because she is just too much like me!

3-Jen, Sean-Paul's wife

She's "stuck in Canada" as Emma likes to say a lot...and I miss her. I was JUST getting to know her when the whole "stuck in Canada" thing happened. But she is an inspiration to me because she is so damn healthy. She is one of those people who LOVES life...I love being around her or talking to her on the phone because she makes me see my world in a happy uplifting light. Her and Sean-Paul are like a fairy-tale couple...LOL...being around them makes you feel like you are watching a romantic comedy!

4-Becky, Neal's wife

Now of all of my new sisters Becky is the one I know best. Her and I spend a lot of time together. I have actually known Becky since she was 6 years old. And the first thing I noticed about her was her pretty dimples, which now her daughter has...yay! Becky is such a sweet girl and she is a huge fan of weird "O'Neal" stories...she loves hearing how mean my brothers and I were to each other. I watch her youngest son and her daughter during the day and when she comes to pick them up we end up yakking for an hour, every time, we always have so much to say to each other, talking with her is fun.

So, as you can see, I have 4 sisters after all...I am overloaded with sisters, and all them are so different, and so fun to talk to. I love each of them very much.

Jackie and the Mountain

I don't know why this popped in my head...I remember telling Mom and Amy that I would post this pic online and for some reason I just remembered now.

I hope I recall this story correctly, if not maybe Frank can, but I'll give it a go.

Mom and Jackie came to visit us on Easter a few years ago, before Emma was ever thought up. It was a beautiful weekend and one of us came up with the idea to hike up Ensign Peak. It's a short, maybe 20-30 minute hike, not a difficult trail, but it is uphill. Right away Jackie wasn't happy. She wanted to stop immediately. I don't think it was too hard on her, I just think she was in a mood. So she kept stopping, kept refusing to move, kept arguing with mom, kept begging to be left behind.

This made the hike much longer than need be.

So, we finally coax her up the hill, the view is so beautiful, here is a pic of Frank on that hike with the view behind him:

You can see the entire Salt Lake's just really pretty and so worth the "work" of the hike. And Jackie flat out refused to look! I warned her that if she didn't look I'd take her picture...a picture of her laying there on the ground pouting...She showed us!

We did have fun that day though despite the Jackie antics...there has to be a way to tie those two words together...Jackantics...Jantics...I'll work on it.

But, I do love one makes a memory like Jackie!