So about one year ago Frank's employer, Sensory Sweep, began to hand out late paychecks. They said publishers were late giving them money and so they were late giving employees money. We took that in stride. After a few months paychecks not only got later, the began to bounce and go missing.
We liked the free health insurance and hoped to ride out this storm, hoping that this company would recover. But they never did. Frank ended up quitting at the end of November. Turns out it was a good decision. This company wasn't paying the IRS any taxes, they were stealing 401k money and apparently this isn't the first time they've done this kind of thing.
So we head into the Christmas season with no job, no income except unemployment.
Frank has a promising job prospect in Austin, Texas. He flies out for an interview, the job looks good, looks like he might have it! After a few days of denial that we'd have to move to TEXAS I accept and begin to look forward to renting a house, having a yard and seeing new birds.
The company in Austin ruptured and closed their Austin branch.
Job after job is close but no cigar.
Frank interviews for a job in Provo. They like him, he's exactly what they want. But they don't like his "look"...his long hair and beard offends their
BYU sensibilities. They insult him, call him "anti social" and offer him a temporary job if he gets a haircut and shaves his face. You know Frank...he's SO antisocial...with is love of cooking and being with his family. He declines this nasty offer.
Another job interview in Austin! Great! Denied.
Finally...FINALLY a real job offer for a small company, small but solid. We aren't out of the woods but at least it's a steady paycheck. Smaller paycheck, but steady. The bottom rung of a potentially lucrative ladder.
Today, 5 months into the job, laid off. The company forced to close it's doors because their biggest and onliest client decline to sign a contract because the owner of the company died in a car crash. Tragic. Ripples into the universe that happen to hit the Lucky Irish 3.
How can we have this much bad luck? Did I mention our car broke down...twice...with in 3 weeks...costing us over $1000?
The law of averages demands that we have stability for at least a little while. I was just
unclenching my fists from this last round of madness. I was just starting to believe things were looking up.
We'll survive, many have it worse. At least we have each other.