
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

Halloween started for us around 5pm. We all carved pumpkins, had a lot of fun digging the "guts" out of the pumpkin. Sam LOVED that term..GUTS. LOL What 8 year old boy wouldn't! We then went to the local church for a "trunk or treat" but by the time we got there everyone had left. So Emma went trick or treating with Grampa, they had a good time. We then had pizza and watched Halloween.

We had fun with Kira, we put her among pumpkins, but that wasn't good enough....

So we put her IN a pumpkin.
And here is the array of characters we had this year. Sam was a dead Ninja, complete with bloody throwing stars in his chest. Tyler was Bat Boy...very cute. And the cutest of all was Emma and Kira, as ladybug and bumblebee! Our little bugs.